Class 4, September 16:
How we study sound.
Learning outcomes:
You will interpret sound spectrograms and identify how they are produced.
You will get hands on experience with sound recording and sound analysis technology.
This week in class we'll do a sound recording and analysis demo. Please bring your computer (I'll have a few extra computers in case we need them).
A few days before our next class (this will take a little while), go to this link:
First, download Raven (Raven Pro 1.5 beta build 21, Full download, 64 bit version- choose appropriate operating system). Install on your computer. Open it and be sure you can get as far as the page that asks you to enter the license code. I will give the code in class. If you get this far then you're done for now! If you get an error that says "Raven can't be opened because it's from an unidentified developer", just right click ( or control + click) on the RavenPro1.5 program and click open, then 'ok'. Get in touch if you have any other problems.
Next, read the “Raven lite quick start guide” and the first two pages of the “sound analysis primer” (ignore everything from Fourier guide on). PDFs attached below.
Lastly, go to: and launch “Bird song hero”. Once you’ve gone through the demo, answer the following questions (Piazza 3,, due Tuesday night (Sept 15) before midnight:
1. Describe your previous experience with sound analysis. Have you used waveforms or spectrograms to visualize, analyze or compose sound (music or any other sound)?
2. What about sound visualization/analysis is intuitive to you and what do you still want to understand more about? Was spectrogram matching in Bird song hero intuitive or difficult?