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Class 8, October 14:







We will have another guest speaker for class 8:


Dr. Kevin Rohmann is a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in the center for hearing and balance.


Your assignment is to read the attached review paper and part of the second paper (Krogh, details below) and answer the thought questions listed for Piazza 7, due Tuesday Oct 13 before midnight (


Learning objectives:


  • Be able to identify and briefly explain how the two different mechanisms used by vertebrate auditory hair cells contribute to frequency tuning at this level of the peripheral auditory system.


  • Be able to explain how the combination of hair cell frequency tuning method and other biological factors in a given vertebrate taxa determine the limits of acoustic space a given species can exploit for acoustic communication.





-Theunissen and Elie. Neuroal processing of natural sounds. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 2014. Vol 15 p355-366.

*Note – Please pay specific attention to first 1.5 pages as well as pages 362 – end. There is a fair amount of material in this review about the central nervous system. This is great supplement for you because I am NOT a central nervous system expert. We will be focusing on the peripheral auditory system in our class time together.


-Krogh. The progress of physiology. 1929. Vol 70, No 1809. P200-204.

 *You don’t have to bother reading the entire treatise. Please just take the time to read the last paragraph on p202 continuing onto 203 that I’ve boxed in red.

 *And no, that’s not a typo. 1929. 









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